Class OrderedFsSet_array2

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<TOP>, Collection<TOP>, NavigableSet<TOP>, Set<TOP>, SortedSet<TOP>

public class OrderedFsSet_array2 extends Object implements NavigableSet<TOP>
This one not in current use Maybe be put back into service when the array becomes large and it starts outperforming the other A set of FSs, ordered using a comparator Not thread-safe, use on single thread only Use: set-sorted indexes in UIMA Entries kept in order in 1 big ArrayList Adds optimized: - maintain high mark, if >, add to end - batch adds other than above -- do when reference needed -- sort the to be added - to add to pos p, shift elements in p to higher, insert shifting optimization: removes replace element with null shift until hit null nullBlock - a group of nulls (free space) together - might be created by a batch add which adds a block of space all at once - might arise from encountering 1 or more "nulls" created by removes - id by nullBlockStart (inclusive) and nullBlockEnd (exclusive) bitset: 1 for avail slot used to compute move for array copy