Class Int2ObjHashMap<T,E extends T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the component type, must match the clazz in the constructor call
E - the type of the elements
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Int2ObjHashMap<T,E extends T> extends Common_hash_support implements Iterable<IntEntry<E>>
A map<int, T> based on JCasHashMap, but without the multi-threading support This impl is for use in a single thread case only Supports shrinking (reallocating the big table) Implements Map - like interface: keys are non-0 ints - 0 is reserved for the empty key slot - Integer.MIN_VALUE is reserved for removed slot values can be anything, but null is the value returned by get if not found so values probably should not be null remove supported by replacing the value slot with null, and replacing the key slot with a "removed" token. A cleanout of removed items occurs when necessary.