
public class VinciTAP extends Object
Vinci Proxy to remote Cas Processor vinci service. This component is used for both local( managed) and remote ( unmanaged) Cas Processors. Its main purpose is to invoke remote APIs on Cas Processors running as vinci services. It serializes data contained in the Cas into XCAS and sends it to the service. It desiralizes data from XCAS returned from the service back into the Cas.
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

    Instantiates a new vinci TAP.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static CasData
    addKeysToDataCas(CasData dataCas, AFrame aFrame)
    Appends keys (types) from XCAS to provided CasData instance doing conversions of ':' in WF keys to '_colon_' and '-' to '_dash_' to enforce UIMA compliance.
    analyze(CasData[] aCasList, ProcessTrace aPT, String aResourceName)
    Main routine that sends requests to remote vinci services.
    analyze(CasData aCas, ProcessTrace aPT, String aResourceName)
    Performs Analysis of the CAS by the remote vinci service Cas Processor.
    Let the remote service now that end of batch marker has been reached, the notification is one-way meaning the CPE does not expect anything back from the service.
    Notify the remote service that the CPE reached end of processing.
    connect(String aServiceName)
    Connects to external service using service name as a way to locate it.
    connect(String aHost, int aPort)
    Connects the proxy to Cas Processor running as a vinci service on a given host and port number.
    Returns Cas Processor metadata as it is returned from the remote Cas Processor running as vinci service.
    Returns host where the service is running.
    Returns port of the service this proxy is connected to.
    Returns VNS Host.
    Returns VNS Port.
    Returns status of the vinci connection.
    Send a given Vinci Frame to the remote vinci service and return result.
    setContentTag(String aContentTag)
    Defines subject of analysis.
    setKeys2Drop(String[] aKeys2Drop)
    Defines types as array that will not be sent to the Cas Processor service.
    setTimeout(int aTimeout)
    Define the max time in millis the proxy will wait for response from remote service.
    Defines a custom timer to use for stats.
    setVNSHost(String aVNSHost)
    Sets the VNS host this proxy will use to locate service.
    setVNSPort(String aVNSPort)
    Sets the VNS port this proxy will use to locate service.
    shutdown(boolean shutdownService, boolean aDoSendNotification)
    Conditionally sends the shutdown request to managed (local) vinci service.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object Link icon

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • VinciTAP Link icon

      public VinciTAP()
      Instantiates a new vinci TAP.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • setContentTag Link icon

      public void setContentTag(String aContentTag)
      Defines subject of analysis.
      aContentTag - - subject of analysis
    • setTimer Link icon

      public void setTimer(UimaTimer aTimer)
      Defines a custom timer to use for stats.
      aTimer - - custom timer
    • setKeys2Drop Link icon

      public void setKeys2Drop(String[] aKeys2Drop)
      Defines types as array that will not be sent to the Cas Processor service.
      aKeys2Drop - - array of types excluded from the request
    • connect Link icon

      public void connect(String aHost, int aPort) throws ConnectException
      Connects the proxy to Cas Processor running as a vinci service on a given host and port number.
      aHost - - name of the host where the service is running
      aPort - - port number where the service listens for requests
      ConnectException - wraps Exception or unable to connect
    • setTimeout Link icon

      public void setTimeout(int aTimeout)
      Define the max time in millis the proxy will wait for response from remote service.
      aTimeout - - number of millis to wait
    • connect Link icon

      public void connect(String aServiceName) throws ServiceConnectionException
      Connects to external service using service name as a way to locate it.
      aServiceName - - name of the service
      ServiceConnectionException - the service connection exception
    • sendAndReceive Link icon

      public AFrame sendAndReceive(AFrame aFrame) throws ServiceException, ServiceConnectionException
      Send a given Vinci Frame to the remote vinci service and return result.
      aFrame - - Vinci Frame containing request
      AFrame - Frame containing result
      ServiceException - the service exception
      ServiceConnectionException - the service connection exception
    • addKeysToDataCas Link icon

      public static CasData addKeysToDataCas(CasData dataCas, AFrame aFrame) throws Exception
      Appends keys (types) from XCAS to provided CasData instance doing conversions of ':' in WF keys to '_colon_' and '-' to '_dash_' to enforce UIMA compliance.
      dataCas - - instance of CasData where the keys will be appended
      aFrame - - source of keys (data)
      - modified CasData
      Exception - passthru
    • analyze Link icon

      public CasData analyze(CasData aCas, ProcessTrace aPT, String aResourceName) throws ServiceException, ServiceConnectionException
      Performs Analysis of the CAS by the remote vinci service Cas Processor.
      aCas - - Cas to analayze
      aPT - - performance trace object for stats and totals
      aResourceName - - name of the Cas Processor
      - CAS containing results of analysis
      ServiceException - - passthru, wraps Exception
      ServiceConnectionException - passthru
    • analyze Link icon

      public CasData[] analyze(CasData[] aCasList, ProcessTrace aPT, String aResourceName) throws ServiceException, ServiceConnectionException
      Main routine that sends requests to remote vinci services. Each Cas in the list is placed in the request frame in its own DATA frame. For each Cas, this routine create a seperate DATA frame. The DATA frame contains types and data that are required by the annotator. For efficiency, the dropKeyList array can be defined with types that will be omitted from the DATA frame. These keys are not required by the annotator thus it is waste of bandwidth to include them in the request.
      aCasList - - a list of Cas to send to service for analysis
      aPT - - Process Trace object to aggrate time and stats
      aResourceName - - name of the Cas Processor
      - List of Cas instances containing results of analysis
      ServiceException - - passthru, wraps Exception
      ServiceConnectionException - passthru
    • getAnalysisEngineMetaData Link icon

      public ProcessingResourceMetaData getAnalysisEngineMetaData() throws ResourceServiceException
      Returns Cas Processor metadata as it is returned from the remote Cas Processor running as vinci service.
      the analysis engine meta data
      ResourceServiceException - the resource service exception
    • batchProcessComplete Link icon

      public void batchProcessComplete() throws ResourceServiceException
      Let the remote service now that end of batch marker has been reached, the notification is one-way meaning the CPE does not expect anything back from the service.
      ResourceServiceException - the resource service exception
    • collectionProcessComplete Link icon

      public void collectionProcessComplete() throws ResourceServiceException
      Notify the remote service that the CPE reached end of processing. Wait for response from the service before returning. This ensures that the request is accepted and the desired logic handling end of processing has completed.
      ResourceServiceException - wraps Exception
    • shutdown Link icon

      public boolean shutdown(boolean shutdownService, boolean aDoSendNotification)
      Conditionally sends the shutdown request to managed (local) vinci service. This routine should not terminate services deployed as remote (unmanaged). This routine does not verify that the service shut itself down. It does not even wait for response. It is up to the service to clean itself up and terminate.
      shutdownService - - flag indicating if a shutdown command should be sent to the service
      aDoSendNotification - - indicates whether or not to sent CollectionProcessComplete frame to service
      - true if shutdown message has been sent without error, false otherwise
    • isConnected Link icon

      public boolean isConnected()
      Returns status of the vinci connection.
      - true if connection is valid, false otherwise
    • setVNSPort Link icon

      public void setVNSPort(String aVNSPort)
      Sets the VNS port this proxy will use to locate service.
      aVNSPort - - vns port to use
    • setVNSHost Link icon

      public void setVNSHost(String aVNSHost)
      Sets the VNS host this proxy will use to locate service.
      aVNSHost - - name of the VNS host
    • getServicePort Link icon

      public int getServicePort()
      Returns port of the service this proxy is connected to.
      - service port
    • getServiceHost Link icon

      public String getServiceHost()
      Returns host where the service is running.
      host name of the machine where the service is running
    • getVNSPort Link icon

      public String getVNSPort()
      Returns VNS Port.
      VNS port
    • getVNSHost Link icon

      public String getVNSHost()
      Returns VNS Host.
      VNS Host