Package org.apache.uima.cas.impl
Class FSClassRegistry.JCasClassInfo
- Enclosing class:
One instance per JCas class defined for it, per class loader
- per class loader, because different JCas class definitions for the same name are possible, per class loader
Kept in maps, per class loader.
Created when potentially loading JCas classes.
Entries kept in potentially multiple global static hashmaps, with key = the string form of the typename
- string form of key allows sharing the same named JCas definition among different type system type-impls.
- one hashmap per classloader
Entries reused potentially by multiple type systems.
Info used for
- identifying the target of a "new" operator - could be generator for superclass.
- remembering the results of getting all the features this JCas class defines
One entry per defined JCas class per classloader; no instance if no JCas class is defined.
Method Summary