Interface LanguagePrecondition

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Precondition, Serializable, SimplePrecondition, XMLizable

public interface LanguagePrecondition
extends SimplePrecondition

A precondition on the language of the document. This interface is a kind of SimplePrecondition to be used as a convenience.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.SimplePrecondition
Method Summary
 String[] getLanguages()
          Gets the languages that satisfy this precondition.
 void setLanguages(String[] aLanguages)
          Sets the languages that satisfy this precondition.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.SimplePrecondition
getComparisonValue, getDefault, getFeatureName, getFsIndexName, getFsMatchConstraint, getPreconditionType, getPredicate, setComparisonValue, setDefault, setFeatureName, setFsIndexName, setFsMatchConstraint, setPredicate
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.Precondition
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.MetaDataObject
clone, equals, getAttributeValue, getSourceUrl, getSourceUrlString, isModifiable, listAttributes, setAttributeValue, setSourceUrl
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable
buildFromXMLElement, buildFromXMLElement, toXML, toXML, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


String[] getLanguages()
Gets the languages that satisfy this precondition. This will be an array of ISO language identifiers. For this precondition to be satisfied, the document's language must be subsumed by one of these identifiers (for example, en-GB is subsumed by en).

Note that if the document's language is unknown, the value of the default property determines whether this precondition is satisfied.

the languages that satisfy this precondition


void setLanguages(String[] aLanguages)
Sets the languages that satisfy this precondition. This will be an array of ISO language identifiers. For this precondition to be satisfied, the document's language must be subsumed by one of these identifiers (for example, en-GB is subsumed by en).

Note that if the document's language is unknown, the value of the default property determines whether this precondition is satisfied. The ISO language identifiers are cannonicalized by lower-casing them and replacing underscores with hyphens. Also, if any of the identifiers are x-unspecified, the array is replaced with an array of just one element: x-unspecified, since all languages are defined to match that one.

aLanguages - the languages that satisfy this precondition
UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.

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