Uses of Class

Packages that use AnalysisEngineProcessException
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb Contains the Analysis Structure Broker (ASB) interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 

Uses of AnalysisEngineProcessException in org.apache.uima.analysis_component

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component that throw AnalysisEngineProcessException
 void AnalysisComponent.batchProcessComplete()
          Completes the processing of a batch of CASes.
 void AnalysisComponent_ImplBase.batchProcessComplete()
 void AnalysisComponent.collectionProcessComplete()
          Notifies this AnalysisComponent that processing of an entire collection has been completed.
 void AnalysisComponent_ImplBase.collectionProcessComplete()
 boolean AnalysisComponent.hasNext()
          Asks if this AnalysisComponent has another CAS to output.
 boolean Annotator_ImplBase.hasNext()
          Returns false, since annotators are not allowed to create new CAS instances.
          Gets the next output CAS.
          Throws a UIMA_IllegalStateException, since annotators are not allowed to create new CAS instances.
 void AnalysisComponent.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
          Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent.
 void CasAnnotator_ImplBase.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
 void CasMultiplier_ImplBase.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
 void JCasAnnotator_ImplBase.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
 void JCasMultiplier_ImplBase.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
abstract  void CasAnnotator_ImplBase.process(CAS aCAS)
          Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent.
abstract  void CasMultiplier_ImplBase.process(CAS aCAS)
          This method should be overriden by subclasses.
abstract  void JCasAnnotator_ImplBase.process(JCas aJCas)
          This method should be overriden by subclasses.
abstract  void JCasMultiplier_ImplBase.process(JCas aJCas)
          This method should be overriden by subclasses.
 void CasAnnotator_ImplBase.typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
          Informs this annotator that the CAS TypeSystem has changed.
 void CasMultiplier_ImplBase.typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
          Informs this annotator that the CAS TypeSystem has changed.

Uses of AnalysisEngineProcessException in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine that throw AnalysisEngineProcessException
 void AnalysisEngine.batchProcessComplete()
          Notifies this AnalysisEngine that processing of a batch has completed.
 void AnalysisEngine.collectionProcessComplete()
          Notifies this AnalysisEngine that processing of an entire collection has completed.
 boolean CasIterator.hasNext()
          Checks if there are more CASes to be returned by the iterator.
 boolean JCasIterator.hasNext()
          Checks if there are more JCASes to be returned by the iterator.
          Gets the next CAS from the iterator.
          Gets the next JCAS from the iterator.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(AnalysisProcessData aProcessData, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. This is no longer used by the framework and was never intended for users to call. Use {#link #process(CAS)} instead.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS,ResultSpecification) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS, ResultSpecification, ProcessTrace) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 CasIterator AnalysisEngine.processAndOutputNewCASes(CAS aCAS)
          Processes a CAS, possibly producing multiple CASes as a result.
 JCasIterator AnalysisEngine.processAndOutputNewCASes(JCas aJCAS)
          Processes a JCAS, possibly producing multiple JCASes as a result.

Uses of AnalysisEngineProcessException in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb that throw AnalysisEngineProcessException
 CasIterator ASB.process(CAS aCAS)
          Invokes the processing of the aggregate on the given input CAS.

Uses of AnalysisEngineProcessException in org.apache.uima.flow

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow that throw AnalysisEngineProcessException
 void FlowController.batchProcessComplete()
          Completes the processing of a batch of CASes.
 void FlowController_ImplBase.batchProcessComplete()
 void FlowController.collectionProcessComplete()
          Notifies this component that processing of an entire collection has been completed.
 void FlowController_ImplBase.collectionProcessComplete()
 Flow CasFlowController_ImplBase.computeFlow(AbstractCas aCAS)
          Overriden to check that aCAS is an instanceof CAS.
 Flow FlowController.computeFlow(AbstractCas aCAS)
          Invokes this FlowController on a CAS.
 Flow JCasFlowController_ImplBase.computeFlow(AbstractCas aCAS)
          Overriden to check that aCAS is an instanceof JCas.
abstract  Flow CasFlowController_ImplBase.computeFlow(CAS aCAS)
          This method must be overriden by subclasses.
abstract  Flow JCasFlowController_ImplBase.computeFlow(JCas aJCas)
          This method must be overriden by subclasses.
 Flow CasFlow_ImplBase.newCasProduced(AbstractCas newCas, String producedBy)
          Overriden to check that newCas is an instanceof CAS.
 Flow Flow.newCasProduced(AbstractCas newCas, String producedBy)
          Called by the framework if the CAS that is being routed by this Flow has been sent to a CAS Multiplier which has then created a new CAS derived from that original CAS.
 Flow JCasFlow_ImplBase.newCasProduced(AbstractCas newCas, String producedBy)
          Overriden to check that newCas is an instanceof JCas.
protected  Flow CasFlow_ImplBase.newCasProduced(CAS newCas, String producedBy)
          By default, throws an exception to indicate this this Flow object does not support new CASes being produced in the middle of the flow.
protected  Flow JCasFlow_ImplBase.newCasProduced(JCas newCas, String producedBy)
          By default, throws an exception to indicate this this Flow object does not support new CASes being produced in the middle of the flow.
          Gets the next destination for the CAS.
 void FlowController.removeAnalysisEngines(Collection<String> aKeys)
          Notifies this FlowController that some Analysis Engines are no longer available to route CASes to.
 void FlowController_ImplBase.removeAnalysisEngines(Collection<String> aKeys)
          Throws an AnalysisEngineProcessException by default.
 void CasFlowController_ImplBase.typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
          This method may be overriden by subclasses.

Uses of AnalysisEngineProcessException in org.apache.uima.uimacpp

Methods in org.apache.uima.uimacpp that throw AnalysisEngineProcessException
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.batchProcessComplete()
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.collectionProcessComplete()
 boolean UimacppAnalysisComponent.hasNext()
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.process(AbstractCas aCAS)
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.process(CAS aCAS)

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