Interface ProcessTrace

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public interface ProcessTrace extends Serializable
A ProcessTrace object keeps a record of events that have occurred and information, such as timing, about those events.

Each event is represented by a ProcessTraceEvent object. Events may have sub-events, so a ProcessTrace is really a forest of events, which provides a useful description of where time is spent during a process involving several components.

  • Method Details

    • startEvent

      void startEvent(String aComponentName, String aEventType, String aDescription)
      Records the start of an event. The event will be ended when there is a corresponding call to endEvent(String,String,String) with the same component name and event type. The duration of the event will be automatically computed from the difference in time between the start and end.
      aComponentName - name of the component generating the event
      aEventType - type of the event. Standard types are defined as constants on the ProcessTraceEvent interface, but any string may be used.
      aDescription - description of the event
    • endEvent

      void endEvent(String aComponentName, String aEventType, String aResultMessage)
      Records the end of an event. The event is identified by the component name and type. If there is no open event that matches those values, a UIMA_IllegalStateException will be thrown.
      aComponentName - name of the component generating the event
      aEventType - type of the event. Standard types are defined as constants on the ProcessTraceEvent interface, but any string may be used.
      aResultMessage - describes the result of the event
      UIMA_IllegalStateException - if there is no open event matching the aComponentName and aEventType arguments.
    • addEvent

      void addEvent(String aResourceName, String aType, String aDescription, int aDuration, String aResultMsg)
      Adds an event with the specified parameters to this ProcessTrace.
      aResourceName - name of the component generating the event
      aType - type of the event. Standard types are defined as constants on the ProcessTraceEvent interface, but any string may be used.
      aDescription - description of the event
      aDuration - duration of the event in milliseconds
      aResultMsg - result message of event
    • addEvent

      void addEvent(ProcessTraceEvent aEvent)
      Adds a completed event object to this ProcessTrace. This method is useful for copying events from one ProcessTrace into another.
      aEvent - the event object to be added to this ProcessTrace
    • addAll

      void addAll(List<ProcessTraceEvent> aEventList)
      Adds a list of completed event objects to this ProcessTrace. This method is useful for copying events from one ProcessTrace into another.
      aEventList - a List of event object to be added to this ProcessTrace
    • getEvents

      List<ProcessTraceEvent> getEvents()
      Gets a list of ProcessTraceEvents, in the order in which they were created. This is generally chronological order.
      an unmodifiable List of ProcessTraceEvents
    • getEventsByComponentName

      List<ProcessTraceEvent> getEventsByComponentName(String aComponentName, boolean aRecurseWithinMatch)
      Gets all events that have the given Component name.
      aComponentName - the component name to look for
      aRecurseWithinMatch - if true, all events with the given component name will be returned. If false, this method will not recurse into the sub-events of a matching event.
      a List of ProcessTraceEvents having the given component name
    • getEventsByType

      List<ProcessTraceEvent> getEventsByType(String aType, boolean aRecurseWithinMatch)
      Gets all events that have the given type
      aType - the type of event to look for
      aRecurseWithinMatch - if true, all events with the given component name will be returned. If false, this method will not recurse into the sub-events of a matching event.
      a List of ProcessTraceEvents having the given type
    • getEvent

      ProcessTraceEvent getEvent(String aComponentName, String aType)
      Get a specified event.
      aComponentName - name of component producing desired event
      aType - type of desired event
      the first ProcessTraceEvent matching the parameters, null if there is no such event.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Resets this ProcessTrace by removing all events.
    • aggregate

      void aggregate(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)
      Aggregates the information in another ProcessTrace with this one. Events that exist in both ProcessTraces will have their durations added together. This method is useful for collecting aggregate performance statistics for collection processing.
      aProcessTrace - the Process Trace object whose information will be combined with the information in this object
    • toString

      String toString()
      Generates a user-readable representation of all events in this ProcessTrace.
      toString in class Object
      the String representation of all events in this ProcessTrace.