Class XmlCasDeserializer


public abstract class XmlCasDeserializer extends Object
Deserializes a CAS from a standoff-XML format. This class can read the XMI format introduced in UIMA v1.4 as well as the XCAS format from previous versions. This class is abstract, because it only has static methods and should never be instantiated
  • Constructor Details

    • XmlCasDeserializer

      public XmlCasDeserializer()
  • Method Details

    • deserialize

      public static void deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS) throws SAXException, IOException
      Deserializes a CAS from a standoff-XML format.
      aStream - input stream from which to read the XML document
      aCAS - CAS into which to deserialize. This CAS must be set up with a type system that is compatible with that in the XML.
      SAXException - if an XML Parsing error occurs
      IOException - if an I/O failure occurs
    • deserialize

      public static void deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient) throws SAXException, IOException
      Deserializes a CAS from XMI or XCAS.
      aStream - input stream from which to read the XML document
      aCAS - CAS into which to deserialize. This CAS must be set up with a type system that is compatible with that in the XML
      aLenient - if true, unknown Types will be ignored. If false, unknown Types will cause an exception. The default is false.
      SAXException - if an XML Parsing error occurs
      IOException - if an I/O failure occurs