Class FileChooserBugWorkarounds


public class FileChooserBugWorkarounds extends Object
Workarounds for JFileChooser bugs on Windows Look and Feel. For a workaround for Java bug #4711700 (, Call fix() after setting Windows look and feel but before creating any file choosers.

To workaround intermittent exceptions thrown by JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory() when it is called during initialization of your app, call the setCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser, File) method on this class rather than using the JFileChooser directly. This will use SwingUtilities.invokeLater to put the request on the event thread so it will not be executed until the event thread starts, thus avoiding the race condition hat otherwise occurs.

  • Constructor Details

    • FileChooserBugWorkarounds

      public FileChooserBugWorkarounds()
  • Method Details

    • fix

      public static void fix()
      For workaround, call this method after setting Window look and feel but before creating any file choosers.
    • setCurrentDirectory

      public static void setCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser aFileChooser, File aDir)
      Call this to set the current directory of a JFileChooser, instead of using aFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(aDir) directly.
      aFileChooser - the JFileChooser on which to set the current directory
      aDir - the directory to set