Class RunAE

All Implemented Interfaces:
BaseStatusCallbackListener, StatusCallbackListener

public class RunAE extends Object implements StatusCallbackListener
An example application that reads documents from the file system, sends them though an Analysis Engine(AE), and produces XML files with inline annotations. This application uses a CollectionProcessingEngine to drive the processing. For a simpler introduction to using AEs in an application, see class ExampleApplication in the uimaj-examples project.

Usage: java org.apache.uima.examples.RunAE [OPTIONS] <AE descriptor or JAR file name> <input dir> [<output dir>]

If output dir is not specified, the analysis results will not be output. This can be useful when only interested in performance statistics.


-t <TagName> (XML Text Tag) - specifies the name of an XML tag, found within the input documents, that contains the text to be analyzed. The text will also be detagged. If this option is not specified, the entire document will be processed.
-l <ISO code> (Language) - specifies the ISO code for the language of the input documents. Some AEs (e.g. PersonTitleAnnotator) require this.
-e <Encoding> - specifies character encoding of the input documents. The default is UTF-8.
-q (Quiet) - supresses progress messages that are normally printed as each document is processed.
-s<x> (Stats level) - determines the verboseness of performance statistics. s0=none, s1=brief, s2=full. The default is brief.
-x - process input files as XCAS files.