Class SimplePackageSelector

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimplePackageSelector extends Object implements InstallationController.PackageSelector
The SimplePackageSelector class provides simple command line dialog for selecting root directories of installed PEAR packages, as well as PEAR package files, which contain components that need to be installed.
  • Constructor Details

    • SimplePackageSelector

      public SimplePackageSelector(PrintWriter stdOut, PrintWriter stdErr)
      Constructor that takes given standard console streams writers.
      stdOut - The given standard output stream writer.
      stdErr - The given standard error stream writer.
    • SimplePackageSelector

      public SimplePackageSelector()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • selectPackageDirectory

      public File selectPackageDirectory(String componentId)
      Allows entering the installation directory path for a given component from the console window.
      Specified by:
      selectPackageDirectory in interface InstallationController.PackageSelector
      componentId - The given component ID.
      The installation directory for the given component or null, if the entered string is empty.
    • selectPackageFile

      public File selectPackageFile(String componentId)
      Allows entering the PEAR file path for a given component from the console window.
      Specified by:
      selectPackageFile in interface InstallationController.PackageSelector
      componentId - The given component ID.
      The PEAR file for the given component or null, if the entered string is empty.
    • selectPackageUrl

      public URL selectPackageUrl(String componentId)
      Allows entering the PEAR package URL for a given component from the console window.
      Specified by:
      selectPackageUrl in interface InstallationController.PackageSelector
      componentId - The given component ID.
      The PEAR package URL for the given component or null, if the entered string is empty.