Package org.apache.uima.migratev3.jcas
package org.apache.uima.migratev3.jcas
ClassesClassDescriptionA driver that scans given roots for source and/or class Java files that contain JCas classes identifies which ones appear to be JCas classes (heuristic) of these, identifies which ones appear to be v2 converts these to v3 also can receive a list of individual class names also can do a single source fileDecompiler - for testing - for locating customizations Operation: Make an instance, optionally setting - class loader to use (may pass byte array instead) - directory where to write output (may output to string instead) - class loader to use when resolving symbols during decompile call decompile - argument - class name (without .class or .java suffix, fully qualified) or - byte array - return value is a byte array output stream with UTF-8 encoded value decompileToFile - writes decompiled output to a file in output directory Not thread safe