Class UIMAClassLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class UIMAClassLoader extends URLClassLoader
UIMAClassLoader is used as extension ClassLoader for UIMA to load additional components like annotators and resources. The classpath of the classloader is specified as string. The strategy for this ClassLoader tries to load the class itself before the classloading is delegated to the application class loader. This loader supports loading a special class "MethodHandlesLookup" from org.apache.uima.cas.impl.MethodHandlesLookup This is loaded from a byte string in order to have the defaulting mechanism for MethodHandlesLookup default to this class loaders context.
  • Field Details

    • MHLC

      public static final String MHLC
      This is a trick to allow loading the same class multiple times in different UIMAClassLoaders
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UIMAClassLoader

      public UIMAClassLoader(String classpath) throws MalformedURLException
      Creates a new UIMAClassLoader based on a classpath string
      classpath - a classpath string
      MalformedURLException - if a malformed URL has occurred in the classpath string.
    • UIMAClassLoader

      public UIMAClassLoader(URL[] classpath)
      Creates a new UIMAClassLoader based on a classpath URL's
      classpath - an array of wellformed classpath URL's
    • UIMAClassLoader

      public UIMAClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
      Creates a new UIMAClassLoader with the given parent ClassLoader.
      parent - specify the parent of the classloader
    • UIMAClassLoader

      public UIMAClassLoader(URL[] classpath, ClassLoader parent)
      Creates a new UIMAClassLoader based on a classpath URL's. Also a parent ClassLoader can be specified.
      classpath - an array of wellformed classpath URL's
      parent - specify the parent of the classloader
    • UIMAClassLoader

      public UIMAClassLoader(String classpath, ClassLoader parent) throws MalformedURLException
      Creates a new UIMAClassLoader based on a classpath string. Also a parent ClassLoader can be specified.
      classpath - a classpath string
      parent - specify the parent of the classloader
      MalformedURLException - if a malformed URL has occurred in the classpath string.
  • Method Details