Class ReplaceStringInFiles


public class ReplaceStringInFiles extends Object
String replacement utility.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ReplaceStringInFiles Link icon

      public ReplaceStringInFiles()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • indexOfCaseSensitive Link icon

      public static int indexOfCaseSensitive(String mainStr, String argStr, int start, boolean caseSensitive)
      mainStr - The given string object.
      argStr - The given string argument.
      start - -
      caseSensitive - -
      If the given string argument occurs as a substring, ignoring case, within the given string object, then the index of the first character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
    • replaceStringInString Link icon

      public static final void replaceStringInString(String text, String toReplace, String replacement, ReplaceStringInFiles.ReplacementResult res, boolean caseSensitive)
      Replace occurrences of toReplace in text by replacement.
      text - The text where the replacement should happen.
      toReplace - The string that should be replaced.
      replacement - The string it should be replaced with.
      res - The result object, containing the result string and the number of times replacement happened.
      caseSensitive - -
    • replaceStringInFiles Link icon

      public static final void replaceStringInFiles(File dir, FileFilter fileFilter, String toReplace, String replacement, boolean caseSensitive) throws IOException
      Replace a string in all files of a directory, recursively.
      dir - The directory where replacement should happen.
      fileFilter - A file filter for which files replacement should happen.
      toReplace - String which should be replaced.
      replacement - String it should be replaced with.
      caseSensitive - -
      IOException - Whenever anything goes wrong reading or writing a file.
    • main Link icon

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Replace a certain string with other strings in files. Example usage:
      java org.apache.uima.util.ReplaceStringInFile /home/tom/stuff .prop $ROOT$ /home/tom/root
      args - dir, extension toreplace replacement [-ignorecase]