Class ConfigurationParameterFactory


public final class ConfigurationParameterFactory extends Object
  • Method Details

    • isConfigurationParameterField

      public static boolean isConfigurationParameterField(Field field)
      This method determines if the field is annotated with ConfigurationParameter.
      field - the field to analyze
      whether the field is marked as a configuration parameter
    • getDefaultValue

      public static Object getDefaultValue(Field field)
      Determines the default value of an annotated configuration parameter. The returned value is not necessarily the value that the annotated member variable will be instantiated with in ConfigurationParameterInitializer which does extra work to convert the UIMA configuration parameter value to comply with the type of the member variable.
      field - the field to analyze
      the default value
    • getConfigurationParameterName

      public static String getConfigurationParameterName(Field field)
      This method generates the default name of a configuration parameter that is defined by an ConfigurationParameter annotation when no name is given
      field - the field to analyze
      the parameter name
    • createPrimitiveParameter

      public static ConfigurationParameter createPrimitiveParameter(Field field)
      A factory method for creating a ConfigurationParameter from a given field definition
      field - the field to analyze
      the configuration parameter.
    • createPrimitiveParameter

      public static ConfigurationParameter createPrimitiveParameter(String name, Class<?> parameterClass, String parameterDescription, boolean isMandatory)
      A factory method for creating a ConfigurationParameter object.
      name - the parameter name
      parameterClass - the parameter class
      parameterDescription - the parameter description
      isMandatory - whether the parameter is mandatory
      the configuration parameter
    • createPrimitiveParameter

      public static ConfigurationParameter createPrimitiveParameter(String name, String parameterType, String parameterDescription, boolean isMultiValued, boolean isMandatory)
      A factory method for creating a ConfigurationParameter object.
      name - the parameter name
      parameterType - the parameter type
      parameterDescription - the parameter description
      isMultiValued - whether the parameter is multi-valued
      isMandatory - whether the parameter is mandatory
      the configuration parameter
    • setParameters

      public static void setParameters(ResourceCreationSpecifier desc, Class<?> componentClass, ConfigurationParameter[] configurationParameters, Object[] configurationValues)
      Analyze a component for parameters and default values, merge that with parameter values specified, potentially adding extra parameters. Set the merged result into the provided descriptor.
      desc - the descriptor into which to merge the parameters
      componentClass - the component class which will be analyzed for parameters. Must match the implementationName set in the descriptor.
      configurationParameters - additional parameter names
      configurationValues - additional parameters values
    • createConfigurationData

      public static ConfigurationParameterFactory.ConfigurationData createConfigurationData(Object... configurationData)
      This method converts configuration data provided as an array of objects and returns a ConfigurationParameterFactory.ConfigurationData object. This should only be used to prepare values supplied in a factory method call for merging with existing parameter declarations, e.g. extracted from a class using createConfigurationData(Class).
      configurationData - configuration parameters as (name, value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
      the configuration data
    • createConfigurationData

      public static ConfigurationParameterFactory.ConfigurationData createConfigurationData(Class<?> componentClass)
      This method creates configuration data for a given class definition using reflection and the configuration parameter annotation
      componentClass - the class to analyze
      the configuration settings extracted from the class
    • addConfigurationParameters

      public static void addConfigurationParameters(ResourceCreationSpecifier specifier, Object... configurationData)
      This method adds configuration parameter information to the specifier given the provided configuration data
      specifier - the specified to add the parameters to
      configurationData - should consist of name value pairs.
    • addConfigurationParameters

      public static void addConfigurationParameters(ResourceCreationSpecifier specifier, List<Class<?>> dynamicallyLoadedClasses)
      Provides a mechanism to add configuration parameter information to a specifier for the given classes. This method may be useful in situations where a class definition has annotated configuration parameters that you want to include in the given specifier.
      specifier - the specified to add the parameters to
      dynamicallyLoadedClasses - the classes to analyze and extract parameter information from
    • addConfigurationParameters

      public static void addConfigurationParameters(ResourceCreationSpecifier specifier, Class<?>... dynamicallyLoadedClasses)
      Provides a mechanism to add configuration parameter information to a specifier for the given classes. This method may be useful in situations where a class definition has annotated configuration parameters that you want to include in the given specifier
      specifier - the specified to add the parameters to
      dynamicallyLoadedClasses - the classes to analyze and extract parameter information from
    • addConfigurationParameter

      public static void addConfigurationParameter(ResourceCreationSpecifier specifier, String name, Object value)
      Adds a single configuration parameter name value pair to a specifier
      specifier - the specifier to add the parameter setting to
      name - the name of the parameter
      value - the parameter value
    • getParameterSettings

      public static Map<String,Object> getParameterSettings(ResourceSpecifier spec)
      Fetches the parameter settings from the given resource specifier.
      spec - a resource specifier.
      the parameter settings.
    • setParameter

      public static void setParameter(ResourceSpecifier aSpec, String name, Object value)
      Sets the specified parameter in the given resource specifier. If the specified is a CustomResourceSpecifier an exception is thrown if the parameter value not a String.
      aSpec - a resource specifier.
      name - the parameter name.
      value - the parameter value.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the value is not of a supported type for the given specifier.
    • canParameterBeSet

      public static boolean canParameterBeSet(ResourceSpecifier aSpec, String name)
      Check if the given parameter can be set on the provided specifier. Some specifier types require parameters to be declared before they can be set.
      aSpec - the specifier to test
      name - the parameter to be tested
      if the parameter can be set