Interface CpeCasProcessors

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CpeCasProcessors extends MetaDataObject
An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor. It provides the means of configuring the CPE Processing Pipeline and to tweak performance charactristics of the CPE. It contains a list of CasProcessors that will be strung together into a pipeline by the CPE.
  • Method Details

    • setOutputQueueSize

      void setOutputQueueSize(int aOutputQueueSize) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Sets the size of the OutputQueue. This queue is shared among Processing Units and CasConsumers and contains bundles of CAS. Processing Units add bundles to the queue while CasConsumers consume them. The best size for this queue is determined by overall performance of the ProcessingUnit ( how fast it deposits bundles onto the queue) and memory availability. The larger the queue the more bundles (hence memory) is used.
      aOutputQueueSize - - Output queue size
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • getOutputQueueSize

      int getOutputQueueSize()
      Returns the size of the OutputQueue. This queue is shared among Processing Units and CasConsumers and contains bundles of CAS. Processing Units add bundles to the queue while CasConsumers consume them. The best size for this queue is determined by overall performance of the ProcessingUnit ( how fast it deposits bundles onto the queue) and memory availability. The larger the queue the more bundles (hence memory) is used.
      - output queue size
    • setInputQueueSize

      void setInputQueueSize(int aOutputQueueSize) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Sets the size of the InputQueue. This queue is shared among CollectionReader and Processing Units and contains bundles of CAS. CollectionReader adds bundles to the queue while Processing Unit consume them. The best size for this queue is determined by overall performance of the ProcessingUnit ( how fast it takes bundles off the queue) and memory availability. The larger the queue the more bundles (hence memory) is used.
      aOutputQueueSize - - queue size
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • getInputQueueSize

      int getInputQueueSize()
      Returns size of the InputQueue. This queue is shared among CollectionReader and Processing Units and contains bundles of CAS. CollectionReader adds bundles to the queue while Processing Unit consume them. The best size for this queue is determined by overall performance of the ProcessingUnit ( how fast it takes bundles off the queue) and memory availability. The larger the queue the more bundles (hence memory) is used.
      - queue size
    • setConcurrentPUCount

      void setConcurrentPUCount(int aConcurrentPUCount) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Sets ProcessingUnit replication. Each ProcessingUnit contains the same sequence of CasProcessors and runs in a seperate thread. On platforms containing more than one CPU, replicating ProcessingUnit may result in better performance.
      aConcurrentPUCount - - number of ProcessingUnits(processing threads)
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • getConcurrentPUCount

      int getConcurrentPUCount()
      Returns number of ProcessingUnits. Each ProcessingUnit contains the same sequence of CasProcessors and runs in a seperate thread. On platforms containing more than one CPU, replicating ProcessingUnit may result in better performance.
      - number of ProcessingUnits(processing threads)
    • addCpeCasProcessor

      void addCpeCasProcessor(CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor, int aInsertPosition) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Inserts a new CasProcessor at an indicated position.
      aCasProcessor - - CasProcessor to add
      aInsertPosition - - position where to insert the CasProcessor
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • addCpeCasProcessor

      void addCpeCasProcessor(CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Appends new CasProcessor to existing list of CasProcessors
      aCasProcessor - - CasProcessor to add
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • getCpeCasProcessor

      CpeCasProcessor getCpeCasProcessor(int aPosition) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Returns CpeCasProcessor found at given position.
      aPosition - - position of the CasProcessor
      - CpeCasProcessor
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • getAllCpeCasProcessors

      CpeCasProcessor[] getAllCpeCasProcessors() throws CpeDescriptorException
      Returns ALL CpeCasProcessor objects in processing pipeline.
      array of CpeCasProcessor
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • removeCpeCasProcessor

      void removeCpeCasProcessor(int aPosition) throws CpeDescriptorException
      Removes CpeCasProcessor object from processing pipeline from a given position.
      aPosition - - position of the CasProcessor in the pipeline
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • removeAllCpeCasProcessors

      void removeAllCpeCasProcessors() throws CpeDescriptorException
      Removes ALL CpeCasProcessor objects from processing pipeline.
      CpeDescriptorException - tbd
    • setPoolSize

      void setPoolSize(int aPoolSize) throws CpeDescriptorException
    • getCasPoolSize

      int getCasPoolSize()
    • getDropCasOnException

      boolean getDropCasOnException()