Interface CasProcessorExecutable

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CasProcessorExecutable extends MetaDataObject
An object containing configuration for a program that the CPE will use to launch CasProcessor. It provides the means to define an executable program and its arguments
  • Method Details Link icon

    • setExecutable Link icon

      void setExecutable(String aExecutable)
      Sets an executable program that the CPE will use for launching CasProcessor.
      aExecutable - - program name (like java.exe)
    • getExecutable Link icon

      String getExecutable()
      Returns an executable program that the CPE will use for launching CasProcessor.
      - exec program as String
    • addCasProcessorExecArg Link icon

      void addCasProcessorExecArg(CasProcessorExecArg aArgs)
      Adds a CasProcessorExecArg argument to be supplied when launching a program.
      aArgs - - argument for the executable program
    • getCasProcessorExecArg Link icon

      CasProcessorExecArg getCasProcessorExecArg(int aIndex)
      Returns a CasProcessorExecArg argument identified by a given position in the list.
      aIndex - - position of argument to return
      CasProcessorExecArg argument
    • getAllCasProcessorExecArgs Link icon

      CasProcessorExecArg[] getAllCasProcessorExecArgs()
      Returns ALL CasProcessorExecArg arguments
      array of CasProcessorExecArg
    • removeCasProcessorExecArg Link icon

      void removeCasProcessorExecArg(int aIndex)
      Removes program argument from the list. The argument for deletion is identified by provided position in the list.
      aIndex - - position of argument to delete
    • getEnvs Link icon

    • setEnvs Link icon

      void setEnvs(ArrayList<CasProcessorRuntimeEnvParam> params)
      params - the CAS Processor Runtime Environment parameters