All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CPMEngine extends Object implements Runnable
Responsible for creating and initializing processing threads. This instance manages the life-cycle of the CPE components. It exposes API for plugging in components programmatically instead of declaratively. Running in its own thread, this components creates separate Processing Pipelines for Analysis Engines and CAS Consumers, launches configured CollectionReader and attaches all of those components to form a pipeline from source to sink. The Collection Reader feeds Processing Threads containing Analysis Engines, and Analysis Engines feed results of analysis to CAS Consumers.
  • Field Details

    • casPool

      public CPECasPool casPool
      The CAS pool.
    • lockForPause

      public final Object lockForPause
      The lock for pause.
    • pause

      protected boolean pause
      The pause.
    • isRunning

      protected volatile boolean isRunning
      The is running.
    • stopped

      protected volatile boolean stopped
      The stopped.
    • killed

      protected volatile boolean killed
      The killed.
    • processingUnits

      protected ProcessingUnit[] processingUnits
      The processing units.
    • processingUnitResults

      protected Future<?>[] processingUnitResults
    • outputQueue

      protected BoundedWorkQueue outputQueue
      The output queue.
    • workQueue

      protected BoundedWorkQueue workQueue
      The work queue.
  • Constructor Details

    • CPMEngine

      public CPMEngine(CPMExecutorService aExecutorService, CPEFactory aCpeFactory, ProcessTrace aProcTr, CheckpointData aCheckpointData) throws Exception
      Initializes Collection Processing Engine. Assigns this thread and all processing threads created by this component to a common Thread Group.
      aExecutorService - - contains all CPM related threads
      aCpeFactory - - CPE factory object responsible for parsing cpe descriptor and creating components
      aProcTr - - instance of the ProcessTrace where the CPM accumulates stats
      aCheckpointData - - checkpoint object facillitating restart from the last known point
      Exception - the exception
  • Method Details

    • getProcessingContainers

      public LinkedList getProcessingContainers()
      Returns a list of Processing Containers for Analysis Engines. Each CasProcessor is managed by its own container.
      the processing containers
    • getAllProcessingContainers

      public LinkedList getAllProcessingContainers()
      Returns a list of All Processing Containers. Each CasProcessor is managed by its own container.
      the all processing containers
    • getThreadCount

      public int getThreadCount() throws ResourceConfigurationException
      Returns number of processing threads.
      - number of processing threads
      ResourceConfigurationException - -
    • setStats

      public void setStats(Map aMap)
      Plugs in a map where the engine stores perfomance info at runtime.
      aMap - - map for runtime stats and totals
    • getStats

      public Map getStats()
      Returns CPE stats.
      Map containing CPE stats
    • setPauseOnException

      public void setPauseOnException(boolean aPause)
      Sets a global flag to indicate to the CPM that it should pause whenever exception occurs.
      aPause - - true if pause is requested on exception, false otherwise
    • isPauseOnException

      public boolean isPauseOnException()
      Returns if the CPM should pause when exception occurs.
      - true if the CPM pauses when exception occurs, false otherwise
    • setInputQueueSize

      public void setInputQueueSize(int aInputQueueSize)
      Defines the size of inputQueue. The queue stores this many entities read from the CollectionReader. Every processing pipeline thread will read its entities from this input queue. The CollectionReader is decoupled from the consumer of entities, and continuously replenishes the input queue.
      aInputQueueSize - the size of the batch.
    • setOutputQueueSize

      public void setOutputQueueSize(int aOutputQueueSize)
      Defines the size of outputQueue. The queue stores this many entities enqueued by every processing pipeline thread.The results of analysis are dumped into this queue for consumer thread to consume its contents.
      aOutputQueueSize - the size of the batch.
    • setPoolSize

      public void setPoolSize(int aPoolSize)
      Defines the size of Cas Pool.
      aPoolSize - the size of the Cas pool.
    • getPoolSize

      public int getPoolSize()
      Gets the pool size.
      the pool size
    • setConcurrentThreadSize

      public void setConcurrentThreadSize(int aConcurrentThreadSize)
      Defines number of threads executing the processing pipeline concurrently.
      aConcurrentThreadSize - the size of the batch.
    • addStatusCallbackListener

      public void addStatusCallbackListener(BaseStatusCallbackListener aListener)
      Adds the status callback listener.
      aListener - the a listener
    • getCallbackListeners

      public ArrayList getCallbackListeners()
      Returns a list of ALL callback listeners currently registered with the CPM.
    • removeStatusCallbackListener

      public void removeStatusCallbackListener(BaseStatusCallbackListener aListener)
      Unregisters given listener from the CPM.
      aListener - - instance of BaseStatusCallbackListener to unregister
    • isKilled

      public boolean isKilled()
      Returns true if this engine has been killed.
      true if this engine has been killed
    • killIt

      public void killIt()
      Kill CPM the hard way. None of the entities in the queues will be processed. This methof simply empties all queues and at the end adds EOFToken to the work queue so that all threads go away.
    • isHardKilled

      public boolean isHardKilled()
      Returns if the CPE was killed hard. Soft kill allows the CPE to finish processing all in-transit CASes. Hard kill causes the CPM to stop processing and to throw away all unprocessed CASes from its queues.
      true if the CPE was killed hard
    • asynchStop

      @Deprecated public void asynchStop()
      Asynch stop.
    • stopIt

      public void stopIt()
      Stops execution of the Processing Pipeline and this thread.
    • isParallizable

      public boolean isParallizable(CasProcessor aProcessor, String aCpName) throws Exception
      Determines if a given Cas Processor is parallelizable. Remote Cas Processors are by default parallelizable. For integrated and managed the CPM consults Cas Processor's descriptor to determine if it is parallelizable.
      aProcessor - - Cas Processor being checked
      aCpName - - name of the CP
      - true if CP is parallelizable, false otherwise
      Exception - -
    • addCasProcessor

      public void addCasProcessor(CasProcessor aCasProcessor) throws ResourceConfigurationException
      Adds a CASProcessor to the processing pipeline. If a CasProcessor already exists and its status=DISABLED this method will re-enable the CasProcesser.
      aCasProcessor - CASProcessor to be added to the processing pipeline
      ResourceConfigurationException - the resource configuration exception
    • addCasProcessor

      public void addCasProcessor(CasProcessor aCasProcessor, int aIndex) throws ResourceConfigurationException
      Adds a CASProcessor to the processing pipeline at a given place in the processing pipeline.
      aCasProcessor - CASProcessor to be added to the processing pipeline
      aIndex - - insertion point for a given CasProcessor
      ResourceConfigurationException - the resource configuration exception
    • removeCasProcessor

      public void removeCasProcessor(int aCasProcessorIndex)
      Removes a CASProcessor from the processing pipeline.
      aCasProcessorIndex - - CasProcessor position in processing pipeline
    • disableCasProcessor

      public void disableCasProcessor(int aCasProcessorIndex)
      Disable a CASProcessor in the processing pipeline.
      aCasProcessorIndex - CASProcessor to be added to the processing pipeline
    • disableCasProcessor

      public void disableCasProcessor(String aCasProcessorName)
      Disable a CASProcessor in the processing pipeline.
      aCasProcessorName - CASProcessor to be added to the processing pipeline
    • enableCasProcessor

      public void enableCasProcessor(String aCasProcessorName)
      Disable a CASProcessor in the processing pipeline.
      aCasProcessorName - CASProcessor to be added to the processing pipeline
    • getCasProcessors

      public CasProcessor[] getCasProcessors()
      Returns all CASProcesors in the processing pipeline.
      the cas processors
    • redeployAnalysisEngine

      public void redeployAnalysisEngine(ProcessingContainer aProcessingContainer) throws Exception
      Deploys CasProcessor and associates it with a ProcessingContainer.
      aProcessingContainer - the a processing container
      Exception - the exception
    • deployCasProcessors

      public void deployCasProcessors() throws AbortCPMException
      Starts CASProcessor containers one a time. During this phase the container deploys a TAE as local,remote, or integrated CasProcessor.
      AbortCPMException - the abort CPM exception
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Returns a global flag indicating if this Thread is in processing state.
      true, if is running
    • isPaused

      public boolean isPaused()
      Returns a global flag indicating if this Thread is in pause state.
      true, if is paused
    • pauseIt

      public void pauseIt()
      Pauses this thread.
    • resumeIt

      public void resumeIt()
      Resumes this thread.
    • setCollectionReader

      public void setCollectionReader(BaseCollectionReader aCollectionReader)
      Sets CollectionReader to use during processing.
      aCollectionReader - aCollectionReader
    • setNumToProcess

      public void setNumToProcess(long aNumToProcess)
      Defines the size of the batch.
      aNumToProcess - the new num to process
    • getLastProcessedDocId

      public String getLastProcessedDocId()
      Returns Id of the last document processed.
      the last processed doc id
    • getLastDocRepository

      public String getLastDocRepository()
      Gets the last doc repository.
      the last doc repository
    • pipelineKilled

      public void pipelineKilled(String aPipelineThreadName)
      Callback method used to notify the engine when a processing pipeline is killed due to excessive errors. This method is only called if the processing pipeline is unable to acquire a connection to remote service and when configuration indicates 'kill-pipeline' as the action to take on excessive errors. When running with multiple pipelines, routine decrements a global pipeline counter and tests if there are no more left. When all pipelines are killed as described above, the CPM needs to terminate. Since pipelines are prematurely killed, there are artifacts (CASes) in the work queue. These must be removed from the work queue and disposed of (released) back to the CAS pool so that the Collection Reader thread properly exits.
      aPipelineThreadName - - name of the pipeline thread exiting from its run() method
    • run

      public void run()
      Using given configuration creates and starts CPE processing pipeline. It is either single-threaded or a multi-threaded pipeline. Which is actually used depends on the configuration defined in the CPE descriptor. In multi-threaded mode, the CPE starts number of threads: 1) ArtifactProducer Thread - this is a thread containing a Collection Reader. It runs asynchronously and it fills a WorkQueue with CASes. 2) CasConsumer Thread - this is an optional thread. It is only instantiated if there Cas Consumers in the pipeline 3) Processing Threads - one or more processing threads, configured identically, that are performing analysis How many threads are started depends on configuration in CPE descriptor All threads started here are placed in a ThreadGroup. This provides a catch-all mechanism for errors that may occur in the CPM. If error is thrown, the ThreadGroup is notified. The ThreadGroup than notifies all registers listeners to give an application a chance to report the error and do necessary cleanup. This routine manages all the threads and makes sure that all of them are cleaned up before returning. The ThreadGroup must cleanup all threads under its control otherwise a memory leak occurs. Even those threads that are not started must be cleaned as they end up in the ThreadGroup when instantiated. The code uses number of state variables to make decisions during cleanup.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
      Null out fields of this object. Call this only when this object is no longer needed.
    • stopCasProcessors

      public void stopCasProcessors(boolean kill) throws CasProcessorDeploymentException
      Stops All Cas Processors and optionally changes the status according to kill flag.
      kill - - true if CPE has been stopped before completing normally
      CasProcessorDeploymentException - the cas processor deployment exception
    • getProgress

      public Progress[] getProgress()
      Returns collectionReader progress.
      the progress
    • invalidateCASes

      public void invalidateCASes(CAS[] aCASList)
      Invalidate CA ses.
      aCASList - the a CAS list
    • releaseCASes

      public void releaseCASes(CAS[] aCASList)
      Releases given cases back to pool.
      aCASList - - cas list to release
    • setPerformanceTuningSettings

      public void setPerformanceTuningSettings(Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
      Overrides the default performance tuning settings for this CPE. This affects things such as CAS sizing parameters.
      aPerformanceTuningSettings - the new settings
      See Also:
    • getPerformanceTuningSettings

      public Properties getPerformanceTuningSettings()
      Gets the performance tuning settings.
      Returns the PerformanceTuningSettings.
    • setProcessControllerAdapter

      public void setProcessControllerAdapter(ProcessControllerAdapter aPca)
      Sets the process controller adapter.
      aPca - the new process controller adapter
    • getCpeConfig

      protected CpeConfiguration getCpeConfig() throws Exception
      Gets the cpe config.
      the cpe config
      Exception - the exception
    • dropCasOnException

      public boolean dropCasOnException()
      Drop cas on exception.
      true, if successful
    • runSingleThreaded

      public void runSingleThreaded() throws Exception
      Runs the CPE in a single thread without queues.
      Exception - -
    • callEntityProcessCompleteWithCAS

      public static void callEntityProcessCompleteWithCAS(StatusCallbackListener statCL, CAS cas, EntityProcessStatus eps)
      Internal use only, public for cross package access. switches class loaders and locks cas
      statCL - status call back listener
      cas - CAS
      eps - entity process status