Class CasDataToXCas


public class CasDataToXCas extends Object
Takes a CasData and generates XCAS SAX events.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • CasDataToXCas Link icon

      public CasDataToXCas()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getDocumentTextTypeName Link icon

      public String getDocumentTextTypeName()
      Gets the name of the CASData FeatureStructure Type that stores the document text.
      the document text type name
    • setDocumentTextTypeName Link icon

      public void setDocumentTextTypeName(String aDocumentTextTypeName)
      Sets the name of the CASData FeatureStructure Type that stores the document text.
      aDocumentTextTypeName - the document text type name
    • getDocumentTextFeatureName Link icon

      public String getDocumentTextFeatureName()
      Gets the name of the CASData Feature that stores the document text.
      the document text feature name
    • setDocumentTextFeatureName Link icon

      public void setDocumentTextFeatureName(String aDocumentTextFeatureName)
      Sets the name of the CASData Feature that stores the document text.
      aDocumentTextFeatureName - the document text feature name
    • setXCasDocumentTextTagName Link icon

      public void setXCasDocumentTextTagName(String aXCasDocTextTag)
      Sets the name of the XCAS tag that will contain the document text.
      aXCasDocTextTag - the document text tag
    • setIncludeAnnotationSpannedText Link icon

      public void setIncludeAnnotationSpannedText(boolean aIncludeAnnotationSpannedText)
      aIncludeAnnotationSpannedText - -
    • setTypesToFilter Link icon

      public void setTypesToFilter(String[] aTypesToFilter)
      Specifies names of types that will not be included in the XCAS
      aTypesToFilter - -
    • setContentHandler Link icon

      public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler aHandler)
      Sets the ContentHandler to receive the SAX events.
      aHandler - -
    • generateXCas Link icon

      public void generateXCas(CasData aCasData) throws SAXException
      Generates XCAS for a CasData. SAX events representing the XCAS will be sent to the ContentHandler registered via setContentHandler(ContentHandler).
      aCasData - the CasData from which XCAS will be generated
      SAXException - if the ContentHandler throws a SAX Exception
    • generateXCas Link icon

      public void generateXCas(CasData aCasData, String aUEID) throws SAXException
      Special form of generateXCas(CasData) that allows a UEID (Universal Entity ID) element to be added as the first element in the XCAS.
      aCasData - the CasData from which XCAS will be generated
      aUEID - the UEID to add to the XCAS
      SAXException - if the ContentHandler throws a SAX Exception
    • generateXCas Link icon

      public void generateXCas(CasData aCasData, String aUEID, boolean aSendStartAndEndDocEvents) throws SAXException
      Special form of generateXCas(CasData) that allows a UEID (Universal Entity ID) element to be added as the first element in the XCAS and also allows start/end document SAX calls to be supressed.
      aCasData - the CasData from which XCAS will be generated
      aUEID - the UEID to add to the XCAS
      aSendStartAndEndDocEvents - true to send SAX events for start and end of document, false to supress them.
      SAXException - if the ContentHandler throws a SAX Exception