Class Id2FS

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Id2FS extends Object implements Iterable<TOP>
A map from ints representing FS id's (or "addresses") to those FSs There is one map instance per CAS (all views). The map is not populated, normally. It is only populated when there is a need to be able to map from the id to the FS, or to prevent the FS from being GC'd -- The low level CAS apis for creating FSs have this need, because they return the id, and this won't prevent the FS from being GC'd. Removes not supported; they happen when the map is reset / cleared This corresponds to the v2 property of "once created, a FS cannot be reclaimed (until reset)" Threading: to support read-only views, concurrent with updates, needs to be thread safe
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      public Id2FS(int initialHeapSize)
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