Class CasAnnotator_ImplBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CasAnnotator_ImplBase, CasConsumer_ImplBase, XmlDetagger

public abstract class CasAnnotator_ImplBase extends Annotator_ImplBase
Base class to be extended by Annotators that use the CAS interface. An Annotator is an AnalysisComponent that may modify its input CAS, but never creates any new CASes as output.
  • Constructor Details

    • CasAnnotator_ImplBase

      public CasAnnotator_ImplBase()
  • Method Details

    • getRequiredCasInterface

      public Class<CAS> getRequiredCasInterface()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisComponent
      Returns the specific CAS interface that this AnalysisComponent requires the framework to pass to its AnalysisComponent.process(AbstractCas) method.
      the required CAS interface. This must specify a subtype of AbstractCas.
    • process

      public final void process(AbstractCas aCAS) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisComponent
      Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent. The AnalysisComponent "owns" this CAS until such time as AnalysisComponent.hasNext() is called and returns false or until process is called again (see class description).
      aCAS - A CAS that this AnalysisComponent should process. The framework will ensure that aCAS implements the specific CAS interface specified by the AnalysisComponent.getRequiredCasInterface() method.
      AnalysisEngineProcessException - if a problem occurs during processing
    • process

      public abstract void process(CAS aCAS) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
      Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent. This method should be overriden by subclasses to perform analysis of the CAS.
      aCAS - A CAS that this AnalysisComponent should process.
      AnalysisEngineProcessException - if a problem occurs during processing
    • typeSystemInit

      public void typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
      Informs this annotator that the CAS TypeSystem has changed. The Analysis Engine calls this from PrimitiveAnalysisEngine_impl which-calls CasAnnotator_ImplBase.process which-calls checkTypeSystemChange

      In this method, the Annotator should use the TypeSystem to resolve the names of Type and Features to the actual Type and Feature objects, which can then be used during processing.

      aTypeSystem - the new type system to use as input to your initialization
      AnalysisEngineProcessException - if the provided type system is missing types or features required by this annotator