Class CASTransportable

All Implemented Interfaces:
Transportable, ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler

public class CASTransportable extends DefaultHandler implements Transportable
  • Field Details

    • uimaContext

      public UimaContext uimaContext
    • includeDocText

      public boolean includeDocText
    • ignoreResponse

      public boolean ignoreResponse
  • Constructor Details

    • CASTransportable

      public CASTransportable(CasPool casPool, OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData, UimaContext uimaContext, boolean includeDocText)
      This constructor is used on the service side - a CAS Pool reference is provided. We don't check a CAS out of the pool until we get a request.
      casPool - the cas pool
      outOfTypeSystemData - the out of type system data
      uimaContext - the uima context
      includeDocText - the include doc text
    • CASTransportable

      public CASTransportable(CAS cas, OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData, UimaContext uimaContext, boolean includeDocText)
      This constructor is used on the client side, where we have a dedicated CAS instance for the request.
      cas - the cas
      outOfTypeSystemData - the out of type system data
      uimaContext - the uima context
      includeDocText - the include doc text
  • Method Details